Hello world!
Quirky dame med kontinental bakgrunn
This did not just happen
I am often asked what I did to lose the weight and get so fit. When I don´t pull out a little bag of golden fairy dust, the disappointment is all […]
Taking project hood to another level now.
This Inc is run by a CEO. Moi.
I don´t believe in chores. And I don´t run a 5 start hotel either. So I expect the offspring to chip in […]
Er sååå ille gøøør lur jeg vet du. Jeg er jo en skikkelig fatty at heart. Men jeg har jo klart å lure denne kroppen min til å tro at jeg er sporty spice. Så […]
This did not just happen
I am often asked what I did to lose the weight and get so fit. When I don´t pull out a little […]
Taking project hood to another level now.
This Inc is run by a CEO. Moi.
I don´t believe in chores. And I don´t run a 5 start hotel […]
Er sååå ille gøøør lur jeg vet du. Jeg er jo en skikkelig fatty at heart. Men jeg har jo klart å lure denne kroppen min […]
This did not just happen
I am often asked what I did to lose the weight and get so fit. When I don´t pull out a little bag of golden fairy dust, the disappointment is all […]
This did not just happen
I am often asked what I did to lose the weight and get so fit. When I don´t pull out a little bag of golden fairy […]
Taking project hood to another level now.
This Inc is run by a CEO. Moi.
I don´t believe in chores. And I don´t run a 5 start hotel either. So I expect […]
Er sååå ille gøøør lur jeg vet du. Jeg er jo en skikkelig fatty at heart. Men jeg har jo klart å lure denne kroppen min til å tro at […]
This did not just happen
I am often asked what I did to lose the weight and get so fit. When I don´t pull out a little bag of golden fairy […]
Taking project hood to another level now.
This Inc is run by a CEO. Moi.
I don´t believe in chores. And I don´t run a 5 start hotel either. So I expect […]
Er sååå ille gøøør lur jeg vet du. Jeg er jo en skikkelig fatty at heart. Men jeg har jo klart å lure denne kroppen min til å tro at […]
Neppe. Her snakker vi innvandrerfamilie deluxe. Har jo ikke bodd i Norge mer en 2,5 år. Før den tiden bodde jeg ´på utsiden og titta inn´.
Hadde vi levd i et […]
Hi I am Tanja.
Perpetual misfit and excelling at it!
Belgian native with a scandinavian heart. I grew up an involuntary nomad planted in the middle of Europe but found my way home eventually. The fact that I dragged three well-rooted kids with me, made for a life unboring.
Welcome to the light side.